But, at that moment, I found myself reaching for the phone. Instinctively, I was going to call Bill because I wanted to hear what he had to say about the election. It had been a while since I had done that and as always, tears came to my eyes.
So, what would he have thought? Well, I think part of him would have felt vindicated by the fact that a Republican who supported Bush's wars was not going to lead this county. The fact that he wasn't a fan of McCain's would have made it even sweeter.
I think he also would have felt a little proud that his anti-Vietnam War stance was supported by the rejection of a Vietnam Veteran that still believed that it was a righteous war. Again, take that John McCain.
I also think he would have had a lot to say - not very much of it good - about Sarah Palin. And, he would have been delighted that she was going back to Alaska.
Finally, having lived through and been old enough to witness and understand the civil rights struggles, I think he would have been proud of our country. Yeah, he would probably have had some jokes about Obama that would have not been of the most PC variety, but deep down, I believe his hope in America would have been renewed.
For now, it's just a guess and it's another thing to add to the list of things I'll want to talk to him about when I see him again.