My mom received a card from one of my cousins which contained the following poem. She asked that it be included in the blog, so here it is:A traveler ventured forth one day
Upon a long and winding road
With faith and trust to lead the way.
With strength and will to bear his load.
And at a slow but steady pace.
In cold of storm, in warmth of sun,
He journeyed on from place to place
And gained so value from each one.
Until at last one quiet night,
He climed a hill's soft-rounding crest
And saw afar a single light
That seemed to promise peace and rest.
And following its glow, he came
Upone the house from which it shone.
A voice inside called out his name
And told him he was truly home.
Now all of us must travel, too--
Like his, our paths wind slowly on.
And surely when the course is through,
A welcome comfort waits beyond.
May we believe that sweet content
Is earned by all those miles passed
And never doubt each traveler's meant
To reach a loving home at last.