You can either click on the link to listen (there will be a pause of up to a minute depending on your internet speed), or you right click and save the link to your computer and play it from there. Enjoy!
By the way, Elvis will be opening for The Police as they tour the US this year. My wife and I saw The Police last year and the show was pretty good - not as good, however, as when I saw them at Shea Stadium in 1983.
Elvis Costello - The First 10 Years

Elvis takes us back to his childhood and talks about music, his parents, songwriting and recording "My Aim Is True."
Episode Two:
Elvis talks influences, becoming an artist and changing his name.
Episode Three:
Elvis meets Nick Lowe, records his first album, forms the Attractions, gets arrested and has a hit record.
Episode Four:
Elvis talks Clover, the Attractions and his classic track "Alison."
Episode Five:
Elvis breaks down "Watching The Detectives," talks proper record making and the Attractions.
Episode Six:
Elvis talks song writing, compositional influences and pop music.
Episode Seven:
Recordings "This Year's Model" thru "Almost Blue" are discussed.
Episode Eight:
Recordings "Imperial Bedroom" thru "Goodbye Cruel World" are discussed plus more.
Episode Nine:
Elvis hits a rough spot with the Attractions, goes acoustic and records "King of America."
Episode Ten:
Elvis talks "Blood and Chocolate."
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