1. I'm thankful that I got to spend New Year's Eve with Bill.
2. I'm thankful that I got to spend Bill's last birthday with him.
3. I'm thankful that my new family got to meet Bill.
4. I'm thankful that, when the end came, Bill did not suffer long.
5. I'm thankful for Bill's friends who selflessly helped my family in Los Angeles.
6. I'm thankful for everyone who attended Bill's funeral and made it a day of special remembrances.
7. While I missed my brother at my wedding, I am thankful for my new family and the joy they have brought me during some difficult times this year.
8. I'm thankful for all of you who have sent an email and have stayed in touch.
9. I'm thankful for all of the photos that Bill left which have helped me get through some tough days.
10. Finally, I think that I can safely speak for my entire family when I say that we are thankful for Mike Groob who has helped in many ways, with his actions, his memories and his kind words.

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